Saturday, January 8, 2011

Winter Blues

So old man winter decided to finally join us these last couple of days. This is the most snow we have gotten all winter and I think we have a total of 4 to 6 inches. Now here is the thing. We all know that the sun reflects of the snow which makes it hard for anyone outside to see. As a person with RP (Retinitis Pigmentosa) this brightness is very painful. When I go outside without sunglasses on a bright sunny snowy day it feels like someone is taking hot pokers and shoving them into my eyes (Not that I have ever had that happen, but I imagine it hurts all the same). I have two very large sunglasses that fit over my sunglasses for days like these but personally I would rather stay inside where all of my curtains are closed and letting the minimal amount of sun in. We RP people prefer overcast cloudy days, besides who wants to be outside in 18 degree weather besides my kids?

So here is my tip of the day. If you are talking to someone who has RP or is legally blind outside, put their back to the sun, Our eyes are really sensitive so help us protect what little vision we have left.

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