Saturday, January 15, 2011

One of my New Year resolutions was to write in this blog at least once a week. I don't know if I can do it but I will certainly try!

Last week I wrote about my Winter blues and how the bright light hurts those of us with this eye condition. I don't think most people really understand what it is like to be legally blind. Sure, everyone can close their eyes and say "wow, I don't think I could do this." We legally blind or even us Usher people didn't choose this nor would we ever have chosen this life. It was simply genetics. One bad one from each parent.

Every morning I wake up and think "what a blessing" and then I rub my eyes, which are dry and full of gunk (a symptom of RP), and then put on my glasses and hearing aid (one because the dang dog chewed on the other) and start my morning routine of making sure my girls have everything in their backpacks. My day continues, full of challenges which include running into things (because I can't see anything below my nose), completing assignments for school, and doing housework all with a two year old up and around. One is going through the worst case of terrible two's that I have ever seen. At then end of the day my eyes are tired and sore, my ear is begging me to take the dang ear mold out of its canal, and my poor legs are screaming in pain from all of the new bruises I have acquired during the day. I crawl into bed, take out my ear, take off my eyes and go to sleep only to wake up and think "what a blessing." And you thought your life was tough try walking in my shoes.... you might want to invest in a pair of shin guards though...


  1. Trista, I have enjoyed reading your postings regarding the way you are dealing with ushers. I have got ushers too and at the moment we cannot do much about it except find ways of dealing with it and with your positive outlook I am sure that you will do well.Will be back.

  2. Thank you Jean! What type of Usher's do you have? I am not sure if I ever posted on here which one I have but I have type II. Thank you for checking out my blog and I hope to hear more from you!
